Consolidate Weapon Crafting Recipes Surplus (CWCRS) *optional* Energy Weapon Replacer - Accelerator - Plasma Gun Replacer: Fallout 4 Plus Edition: LOST AWKCR VIS-G Patches AWKCR and VIS-G patches for multiple mods! This is a quick download mod that basically creates a scratch-made texture for the vanilla model of the double-barrel shotgun. Fallout 4 is an incredibly fun game for players who like using weapons such as sniper rifles. Accelerator fulfills all the attributes where the old world plasma gun lacks of, damage, projectile speed, reliability and versatility. Remember we mentioned weapon mods designed by 'Millenia', well here is a texture pack for the double-barrel shotgun already in Fallout 4. Perk in order to modify them with High-Tech Mods.There are several different types of Energy Weapons: Laser Pistol, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Thrower and Cryolater. Fallout guns Most melee mods feature all kinds of katanas, but we have opted to take something different.

The energy weapon uses fusion cell ammunition and has an accuracy rating of 70. Log in to view your list of favourite games.

Similarly, New Vegas is a very buggy game, even eight years later.